Trauma can easily become your whole identity.
You don’t want it to, of course. It’s not as though you WANT these things to trigger you.
The Christmas decorations at the mall remind you of the tragedy, so you shop online instead.
Friends invite you to karaoke night, and someone sings a song that was playing the night it happened. So much for karaoke…
You never know what’ll bring it all back until it happens.
You’re then in the backseat of your own life!
Every day, the list of “things to avoid” grows a little longer… and your life feels a little smaller. You stay home, dodge people, and isolate yourself where you can control your environment.
It’s exhausting, and eventually, you just give up. But then you feel isolated and depressed. So you try going out and being social, only to be constantly reminded that you’re not okay and can’t live a normal life like everyone else. Pre-trauma, you could, but that’s a luxury you no longer have.
It’s sad, but you realize that trauma is running your life.
Let’s break this cycle.
Trauma doesn’t go away on its own, nor can it be “gotten over” with motivational quotes and feel-good speeches.
Memories might fade, and pain might lessen over time, but a trigger can bring it all back, reminding you of the unresolved feelings. It’s like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound. The bleeding might stop temporarily, but it’s far from healed.
Eventually, you have to take the band-aid off, dig out the bullet, clean the wound, and stitch yourself back up.
And that’s exactly what we’ll do.
With my trauma training and Accelerated Resolution Therapy, we’ll process and reframe your negative events. You’ll retain the memory but lose the painful sensations and emotions attached to it.
Once your trauma is processed, we’ll repair the parts of your life and relationships affected by it. We’ll address trust issues, attachment problems, and boundary issues that arose as trauma responses.
Together, we’ll discover what a healthy, happy relationship with yourself and your trauma looks like.
It’s time to rebuild yourself and your life.
Together, we’ll find your personality and sense of humor again.
Trauma therapy is essential for getting your life back.
You shouldn’t go it alone… and you don’t have to. I’m here to help you reclaim your sense of self, supporting you every step of the way.
You can do this!
Reach out today, and we’ll talk more during your free consultation.